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Joseph Caballero, Research Intern

Bakersfield College Public Health

Tell us about yourself.

I'm 27 years old, I joined the military weeks after graduating high school, and Bakersfield is my hometown. 

What led you to the field of public health?

Originally, I wanted to become a nurse, because I've always had a urge to help those in need, but when I found out about public health, my life was changed. When I was accepted into the nursing program at Bakersfield College, I thought hard about the next two years of my life. At that time, my perspective of nursing was that I could temporarily make someone feel better, as opposed to changing someones whole life by educating them to have a healthier lifestyle through public health. 

Tell us about a specific moment in the past 12 months when you learned something that you think will be useful for the future.

Since the beginning of this year, I have been volunteering for any available opportunities from the very strong and welcoming community of public health. What I've experienced and learned is that if I surround myself with people with similar interest and goals, then my life will be positively affected along with theirs.

Why did you apply for the data collector research internship?

The health of Kern County is greatly at risk because of unsafe sex. I personally feel like this survey may have an impact on the youth to practice safer sex, and because of that, I am proud to be a part of it. Also, I'm just curious what the results of the survey will reveal. 

What would you like to do after you graduate?

After completing my undergraduate I plan on getting a new motorcycle and traveling across the country for about a month. Then of course I'll come back to reality and apply for every entry level position in Kern County to get some experience. If I strike out in Kern County, then I will look for other positions in other counties within California. When I have some experience in the public health field, I will continue my education and hope for an administration level position.

What do you like to do for fun?

I like to watch sports, work on my motorcycle that I'm customizing and rebuilding, and learn how to play guitar. 

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